Monday 30 August 2010

Emergent observers

Emergent observers
consciously contemplating the past
are themselves causal

One could think, science at last
has come to an arrival
that could be called the truth
Why do they have to prove it though
if all it needs is to feel good

And feeling good is intuitive
It does not have to be proven
cause it again is relative
to the one observer chosen

We all deal with this in our own special way
when will science just allow that truth to stay
and let people live the way they are
each one at their own level of 'savoir'


  1. What do you see from a distance away
    Is it movement there or does it stay
    Keep looking onward but stay on the path
    Never let your eyes off of it or it will be your wrath
    Seek this as the Truth you long to endure
    You will know that this is bliss as to say for sure

    enjoy Dearest Mieke(+)

  2. Yes it is
    and thank you for reminding me
    in a nice poetic interactivity :)

    Gratitude from the heartphone
