Tuesday 7 September 2010

Pineal Gland

Pineal gland
heaven in a grain of sand
one cell as a whole
expressing the soul

Called Nummulite
in Egypt
where the pharaos
knew it

and build it
according to
their inner view
acting intuitively
on what they knew


  1. As I see it is the figure Ankh of Life
    Spirit within the third eye with no strife
    Building high pyramids to a point
    One with inner vision to anoint
    Civilization so Enlightened and clear
    It is in inner eye that is oh so near


  2. To see eternity
    in a grain of sand
    is of all age
    it is so wonderful that we are able to blend
    this all together in this stage
    of evolution in humanity
    I see it now in all clarity
    we are heading for a golden age
    As it is unfolding itself in so much beauty


    With loving energy
