Friday, 28 January 2011

Future together

that I know
You always by my side
Me, forever
being your bride

We will be
to build our love nest
Wherever we are capable
in this Universe

Imagine this
Love filling
the emptiness
Ain't this thrilling

at Will


  1. We will always be together this is the quest
    For us constantly moving for there is no rest
    I will be here constantly by your side
    We will take our lumps and leave them in stride
    Enjoy me Now Love for this will pass
    But our Love in hearts will always last

    enjoy my Dearest Mieke(+)
    Dom* ;) xoxoxo---{--@

  2. Am so grateful to the Universe
    for allowing me to have found You

    The bond we have is so true

    Am feeling our togetherness
    the melting of our hearts

    In pure happiness

    A song comes up in my mind, once sang by Doris Day:

    Que sera sera
    Whatever will be
    will be
    The future's not ours to see
    Que sera sera

    Therefore NOW is the moment in all Eternity

    Love You in all Eternity :)


  3. Thanks Love...and Good afternoon as well...making the bed Now and going to have coffee, Folgers of a bit...want some with me?..Love you..will comment soon on my blogsite and yours as well...enjoy always(+)

    Dom* :) xoxoxox--{--@

  4. You're making me smile
    all the while
    Of course I want some Folgers
    with you
    The special brand
    of your heart cafe
    a little bit different from Nestcafé

