Wednesday 2 February 2011

Mending and Blending

In life
there is so much
to touch

Both in a natural
and a mental way

Guess will never be able
to comprehend it all

But growing
towards a stable
that is capable
of mending and blending


  1. A message is here as we do send
    It goes into the gap and it does blend
    It is of Love and it is capable and able
    For the transmission to another is very stable
    We will not be able to comprehend it all
    Until one day that comes in our lap as it falls

    enjoy Love(+)

  2. Am so happy
    us transmitting in this way
    we are creating so much beauty
    that I always want to stay
    in this togetherness
    we already have
    enjoying each moment
    in so much bliss
