Thursday, 22 July 2010

Beyond horizon

Am bathing in the beautiful light
of my light guide
The other side
of my body

It is waiting for me
behind a colourful curtain of energy
I have been allowed to see a glimpse of it
radiating a love so deeply fit
for me to wrap around me
like a blanket protecting me in eternity

It told me I was not ready yet
but could proceed on earth without regret
Whatever I would do or say
Am allowed to do it my way

Am allowed to enjoy it here
and create a magic atmosphere
To prepare me for what is beyond
so that I know what is in front
of me when the moment comes
to step into this other reality

And it is guiding me ahead
providing me with all the necessary
skills needed for that

Am so grateful for this light
that is guiding me so bright
Ever since it came to me
Am it's bride
Together in bliss and delight
Forever and forever more
To me it has opened the ultimate door


  1. Gazing openly into that vast blue horiZEN
    It goes beyond all things but reverts back here again
    Curvature does not show for miles out
    Many see it as curve with me its flat without a doubt
    So with this at hand I see it in a world of abstract
    This is my subjectivity I attract...

    enjoy as well my Dearest Mieke(+)

  2. Perhaps this is why IT
    created two human beings to be
    each in their Subjectiveness
    and in Unity

    To see and learn
    from one another
    Neither one being better
    than the other :)

    I love you just the way you are :)
